10 July 2009

Monitoring and Evaluating

This week Ledile (Program Manager for Kodumela ADP) got an email from the WorldVision National Office requesting that Rejoice do some interviews with people from a drop in center (for orphans) and a creche (a daycare) supported by Kodumela, so information about their services could be gathered. It was decided that the managers, staff members, and a couple of the children on each center's register would be interviewed and we would take some photos to document everything. It was pretty impressive to see. After working so long with an organization that wasn't really in a place to monitor and evaluate any of their programs due to lack of funds and lack of programs... it's interesting to see the opposite end of the spectrum. Kodumela is, in my opinion, a very high functioning NGO. They receive funding from a variety of different sources... the NDA (National Development Agency), WorldVision, PEPFAR (The United States Presidents' Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief), and The Department of Health and Social Development (Limpopo Province). Sally's Place in Makgaung Village and The Lafata Project in Madeira are two huge successes (and two of many successes for the program)....the idea is for Kodumela to continue to help with capacity building, to help them become more sustainable... and then, eventually, they will be able to stand on their own and Kodumela can focus on other drop in centers and schools in the area.
Rejoice interviewing a young mother who brings her little girl to the creche everyday.
Some of the kids who come to Sally's Place standing with their teachers. Sally's Place is a beautiful building that was built with funds from a family in the UK, the parents wanted to build something in memory of their daughter, Sally. Their generosity has, clearly, helped and affected many children and the community as a whole.
And here is the Lafata Project. One of my favorite places in all the local villages. Home to the famous bead project, a greenery, a chicken and egg farm, and a drop in center... all in one.
Rejoice interviewed Radikgong (Johannes) and Linah, the Project Manager (and amazing woman all around).

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