19 August 2009

How We Do

The bucket bath. Yep. I've taken my fair share over the last two years. I get pretty clean and I've learned the art so well that my skills have come in handy whenever I'm in the city and the hot water goes out in the shower... I wash parts of my body one at a time.
I usually heat up a kettle full of water and put it in my wash bucket... but when summer rolls around, straight cold is the way to go, gotta have some way to lower the ol' body temperature.
I first wash my face by wetting it with water from my pitcher... apply soap and lather... then rinse with my pitcher. I then hang over the side and wash my arms and chest before hanging my head over the side to wash my hair
Here's Keri showing us how it's done. You lather up your hair, use a cup to use water in the bucket to rinse,
then lather up again, and use clean water for the final rinse. It does the trick.
After washing my hair, I step in my bucket and wash the lower half of my body, ending with my feet. When all is said and done... I dump my wash water outside under the tree and use my mop to soak up all the sloshed out water.
If you have a guest, after the washing of bodies and feet, before bedtime, you have an excuse to drink wine out of a plastic cup with flamingos all over it.

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