MmaDiapo, Rejoice, Nyasha (a new volunteer for Kodumela who is from Zimbabwe), and Mmapula all set out on the open road.
First stop was dropping off Simon (pronounced Sea-Mon), Maite's brother, at the banana plantation in Lestitele Valley. He just got a job there. I ate a banana or two and talked to some of the workers...
Then it was off to Tzaneen, with the car SMOKING again (near the emergency brake), to buy some cigarettes at the Cash and Carry to sell in Metz, visit with Solly, MmaDiapo's brother-in-law, AND get the car checked out to make sure we wouldn't blow up.
After running all our errands in town, we, once again, hit the open road. Not 10 minutes down the road, we were pulled over for speeding. As soon as the officer noticed that I was from Texas... we were free to go after a brief conversation about America and about how the speed limit signs were just a little too hard to see.
THEN we made it to Polokwane International Airport. Yep. Up until this point in her life, MmaDiapo had only seen airplanes on TV...
The whole ride home, between long periods of silence because we were so tired and full, someone would pipe up and say, "Woo, eish! That was a nice day! A very nice day." And everyone else would agree. Man, it was a nice day.
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