22 April 2009

The Election This Side

When you have cast your ballot you get a mark on your thumbnail with a permanent marker.
The last few days have been crazy here in the village. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights the shebeen was blasting traditional music on repeat with car hooters (horns) hooting (honking) to the beat.... all in celebration of different political parties' closing rallies. Yesterday, while we were delivering mealie meal to some drop in centers, Letebele (the driver for Kodumela) honked the horn and he and Rejoice rolled down their windows and hollered out of the bakkie. Whooping it up for their party. Then today... a national holiday and, the oh so important, Election Day... when I emerged from my room to walk to Kodumela, there was silence. No one was out, there was no whooping, there were hardly any people out and about. Where was everyone? Everyone was voting! Yes. Voting stations are open until 9 and I think it might take a little while before all the votes are counted... so we'll have to wait for a results. It was pretty cool to be in South Africa during the 4th democratic elections.

1 comment:

Tamiko said...

That is pretty cool, and just a little different than the "I voted" sticker we get at the polls! :)