24 June 2009

One Thing For Sure

The other night MmaDiapo came to my window and asked me to come in her house and greet a visitor. I greeted and we all sat around her sewing room talking. The lady asked me how long I had lived here and was shocked when MmaDiapo responded with one year and 6 months. She asked when I was leaving and I said I didn't have too much longer, it was a month and some days after THE farewell party. And the conversation went along... we talked of the weather and THE farewell party and how beautiful all the skirts MmaDiapo made me were. All the while MmaDiapo sewed, passing pieces of material under the needle of her sewing machine. Just as I was gathering my things to head back to my room she stopped and said, "Mmapula, you know, I hope you do not forget me, forget us. Please try your level best, try 100% to remember us when you go." I admit, I stumbled over my words. I told her I wouldn't, told her there was no possible way, and when I felt like I had reassured her, I walked back to my room. That night was the first night I cried in a long time. It's starting to hit me that I'm really leaving. It's a big topic of conversation with people in the village, at Kodumela, with other volunteers, and with people at home. Time is flying and I'm trying to enjoy my last months and days here, trying to focus on one day at a time, while balancing thoughts of a big change.
How do I even begin to describe how grateful I am to MmaDiapo for taking me into her life, heart, and home? How do I put into words to the whole Phokungwane family that I think they're pretty incredible, some of the strongest people I've ever met? How do I tell Rejoice that her true friendship is something I'll carry forever? And what about the kids that always yell "Hiiiiiiiii Mmapula!" when I'm on my way to work? Or John at the post office? Or Ledile, Mpho, Maite, Collins, Enos, MmaTapa, MmaMichael, Mosie, Letebele, Danny, Cedric, Millicent, Maria, Mosoma and everyone else at Kodumela? The ladies on the corner selling vegetables? Phenyo and Tshepiso? I don't think I could ever find words that would carry all my feelings, I really don't think it's possible. "I love you, guys" doesn't seem to cut it and "thanks" seems too simple.



mail correspondence at the least...

Tamiko said...

You will be in touch with them and they will know you care by how you write to them! And, you'll know what to send them in care packages and it will be just right! You've left an impact on them as much as they've left one on you! Hang in there...what a roller coaster of emotions you must be riding!!