02 June 2009

Armed and Dangerous

My Metz Village, good ol safe Metz Village... feelings of safety have been rocked. The Metz Post Office was robbed at gunpoint at noon yesterday. Totally freaks me out. I understand that there are people who are desperate and might resort to desperate measures to get some money, but THIS? REALLY? There are certain times of the month when the already long lines at the banks and post offices are just a little longer... the times of the month when people are given their paychecks and pensions. Yesterday was the first, this past weekend was month end... if you're going to rob a place that takes deposits of money (the post office has a "Postbank" program), the first of the month would be a good time to do it. John, the Post Master, said all the money that had been deposited before the gunmen showed up was safe and had been sent off to Polokwane. The only money available for taking was from the people standing in line to deposit... and it was a long line. Pensioners and I'm assuming that a lot of those people were poor. It really sucks. The little village world of safety is a little rocked right now. They didn't know the gunmen... which means that, of course, they were outsiders. That's the way it turns out usually... people in the community wouldn't dare take such a risk... too many people know them... and well, they know that the consequences would be great (beating is high on the list).
Keep everyone in your thoughts and prayers.... if someone's whole pension was taken, that doesn't look good for the rest of the month.... and I know it was scary to witness such an event... I am so thankful that no one was hurt, although John was a little shaken up.


Tamiko said...

Yikes! That's awful, Megan. I'm so sorry to hear that your beloved post office was violated! :( Be safe...

Christy said...

I'm so sad to hear about this...it's definitely scary but I hope you're doing ok, and all those people that were in line...