05 June 2009

The Beat of the Drum

I am so glad to be home.
Today was a long day.
Rejoice and I went to a workshop that the Provincial Government was putting on... and although I think all the information they were giving us was relevant and important, it's FRIDAY. They held it in Nkowankowa (about 40 minutes from Metz) so we left fairly early this morning to make it on time. We got there at 9:30, sat until 10:45, had teatime, and things finally started happening at 11. I was antsy, I couldn't understand most of what was being said, but was trying to be a part of the discussions, so I was exhausted, and more than a few times a few representatives from other NGO's couldn't understand why we would have a hard time finding funding if I was white and from AMERICA. Days like this are draining... after a few hours I'm so tired of being "on".
When we finally knocked off at 3, we had to catch a taxi to Tzaneen (even though it's in the wrong direction) to then catch a taxi to Metz. Since we were having to go to town anyway... Rejoice thought we should do something fun. So we did.. and man, it was fun.
In the ShopRite Mall not too far from the bank and The Hungry Lion (a fast food chicken place) there's a store by the name of Jet Music where we are regular customers. Rejoice stocks up on reggae and gospel, I'm trying to find some of the music I've heard on taxis and in the office to take home with me.
Today I was interested in purchasing the ZCC's (Zion Christian Church) Brass Band Collection. Awesome. I've been to a few ZCC funerals and weddings and one of my very favorite things about them is the big brass band that plays. They play and people march behind them. (Just like a New Orleans' Jazz Funeral!) When the band is used for church, the men and women are all dressed in their church uniforms and they "march to Heaven". To make sure the collection was the CD I wanted... the guy who always helps us, Solly, put it on in the store. Pretty soon everyone was marching to Heaven. We all marched to the beat and swung our right arms in time.
Sipho, Peggy, and Solly from Jet Music with my ZCC Brass Band CD!

Now I'm in my pajamas, about to go to sleep, and somewhere deep in the village, the Friday night vigil for a funeral is in full force... I can hear the drums and the trumpet. Not a bad way to go to end the day.

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