27 November 2008

Oh, today is a holiday, just not here

Yes...some people around the world may be consuming large amounts of Turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce (I'm with Grandma... you gotta have some of that), rolls, rice and gravy, green bean casserole, pumpkin/pecan pie, and REAL WHIPPED CREAM on Thanksgiving Day... I strayed a little off course. After spending the last week in Pretoria going to meetings, taking care of my mid-service medical appointments, and goin' to town on some chocolate croissants, coffee, and Indian food, I was taking a taxi back to good ol Metz on Thanksgiving. Around 1 pm we stopped at the "Magic" convenient store and I started with the celebratin'. Thanksgiving dinner for me consisted of: 1 550ml bottle of Coke, one small bag of Sweet Chili and Sour Cream Doritos, 1 bag of green grapes bought from the woman outside, and a Hazelnut Cadbury bar. Yeahhhhhh.
There is a lot to be grateful for, life is pretty cool that way. It's still pretty fascinating and amazing to me that I've gotten to see and do all that this life has provided me. Hug and kiss all your family and friends... cause that's not something I can do for a little while longer... and stuff yourselves silly!

1 comment:

Peg said...

And I had to make the REAL WHIPPED CREAM myself this year! Missed your special touch.