18 November 2008

The Cattle, Part 2

Some people from the Department of Agriculture came to visit the house last week. After they examined all the cattle and the kraal, they asked a series of questions. One question MmaDiapo remembered specifically was something along the lines of,"And, Mma, why do you keep so many cattle? Are they for selling? For meat?". MmaDiapo said that she had to grasp at her heart and gasp... "Oh, no-no, I keep them because I love them. Once a few years ago I had to sell two of them for money and it hurt my heart so. I cannot do that again. Oh, no-no, I cannot let my heart break again."

1 comment:

bronwyn said...

um- i think i'm going to love this woman. i can't believe there is someone out there who keeps cows as pets! thats what i want to do!!!!