29 August 2008


I can't believe it's been as long as it has since I last posted. Is it really so close to September? I have plans to write and catch the ol blog up... I'll make time this weekend.. but wanted to post a few pictures of some of my favorite people in Metz Village. They're not only some of my favorite people, but they also happen to be in my African family, are really cool, and get what being here may be like for me, someone who is a volunteer, an outsider, an American, and white. Maite (Sofia), MmaKgomo (Margaret), Karabo, Lethabo, and Charlie (Leshabane) have all shown me so much love since I've been here. This morning, on my way to work, I stopped by their house to take some photos of the whole family with Lethabo who was 7 weeks old yesterday. This blog is for the Phokungwane family that lives across the road from me. I don't think they will ever know how much they have done for me and how much they mean to me.
Lethabo Phokungwane 7 weeks and one day old

Three generations with a Charlie,too!
Maite (Sofia, Margaret's daughter), MmaKgomo (Margaret, MmaDiapo's neice), Lethabo (Maite's youngest daughter), Karabo (Maite's oldest daughter), and Charlie (Maite's cousin's son)

There is nothing like starting your morning off playing with some kids. When I first moved into my room, Charlie was very afraid of me, always backing away whenever I would come near, crying if I got too close... and now when I sit down with the family, he comes and crawls on my lap and makes himself at home. Love it.