24 July 2009

Welcome SA-20!

I'm in SA-16... and SA-20 is arriving on a plane in a couple of hours... so that makes me... OLD. Thinking back to almost 30 hours of traveling 2 years ago and it's hard to tell you how I was feeling. I remember the bus to JFK from Philly... and 4 1/2 hours in line to check my bags... and sitting next to Justin and Nathan, watching them act out the safety videos on our way to Frankfort.. and I ate a lot of chocolate... and I went to the casino with Claire in the Frankfurt airport and won 60USD... and I slept like a rock in the dayroom at the Frankfort Airport Hotel... and I thoroughly embarrassed myself by playing the age game with 3 sisters on my flight to Jo'Burg (and that happened within the first 10 minutes... we still had 9 hours and 50 minutes together)... and buying the last Harry Potter book in the airport)it had just come out and it was my first purchase in country!)... and the bus ride to Mankwe Teacher's College where I ate ostrich jerky and slept, slept, slept. I wasn't particualrly nervous or sad or scared, it was surreal and I was so out of it thanks to exhaustion. Under the exhaustion, though, I was pretty excited. South Africa, huh? And I'm going to live here for a little over two years?
Yep. I lived here for two years.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's a lot of taxis and mangos, roosters and rodents, more than a little sketchiness, good nights at 1322, elephants and what what!